Monday, August 4, 2014

Art update: My archive

So I had these lying around unnoticed and alone and thought about dusting them. Today was that day for doing that, so now I present to you, art.

Still life: Indoor autumn

Paper: White poster
Size: 12" X 18"
Media: Pencil, Charcoal

About: For this piece our class had to set up a table of grab-box objects. We had the chance to exchange what we had for another, ours was acceptable the way it was. Each of us drew it in different angles, not limited to only the outskirts of the desks. One group I remember, had someone stand on a chair, and did it from there. This piece had to be done outside of the social hour, with photographs to replace its setting. The background would not darken to satisfaction with the stick I currently was using.

Self Portrait: Thoughtful

Paper: White Poster
Size: 18" X 24"
Media: Colored Pencil, Pastel (only for the hair)

About: It's not a surprise that the first noticeable element shown here is the overlaying square of paper of my left eye. Not long after I began sketching, a spill horrifyingly moved in at the most inconvenient occasion of my available work days. So much, my teacher said "we can make this mistake into a happy one", considering how great innovators use incidents to their advantage. I thought and stayed thinking, wondering if a square would be that noticeable. But, to my insight, a friend thought of how "cool"  the edge gave to my portrait. I think I should stop working in the kitchen.

Negative drawing: Skull

Paper: Black construction paper
Size: 9" X 12"
Media: White Charcoal

About: This was the last assignment I had from the second installment of the art class, Studio Art II: Drawing. Relieving ourselves from the final project (self-Portrait), this served as a metaphorical day out in the sun for ice cream. I made two copies, one with more in-between values, the other this one, the one I kept. Several different choices were available to choose from, from sunflowers to vases, to a fish, to a marble on a barrel, to even a custom request.

From the very first day, when I raised my hand to depict the message within the photograph, to the hand going up the stair case, to both final projects, I learned an important lesson in the short year with her. There is more to the classroom than just the grade or the friends made, and one should not see the wall first before observing the room, meaning, opportunity is within the folds of every matter in life. When one goes out of his/her way to step back and realize the true potential within, think of it when traveling to a foreign country. The possibilities won't be unseen.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

One week down

June 12th, 2014

Hmm, I would rather have some sort of class (not credit recovery) than to mope about in the isolated home of mine. School was out on Friday, and I have not done a major part to my bulked schedule that was for a new innovation. I hardly ever get the chance to socialize about my mind. Not even in art class, the pecks of this brain's creative side are losing its mass and muscle. How dune.
     Ugh, how would I if...
     I did get contacted for a job however, which brings hope for a better active social status. It was a day since, continually I see the hours go by. No it's too early, an hour later, they still might call... But the day is not over. It won't be.

June 11th, 2014

It was a slightly windy day. The grass combed its newly clipped hair as I make my way down the once-swiss-cheese hill. Over there, maybe one block west, was the special destination of today. In my unbuttoned white short-sleeved dress shirt, a heather-orange American Eagle T-shirt, worn-down denim blue jeans, and two brown casual shoes (Not as comfortable as the name suggest), I held the shirt at the chest, knowing this may turn in any direction. I was early to the appointment. I could have read the newspaper, but instead pretended to use my phone, when she arrived. There was a little legal pad on the round table next to the entry/exit way in its corner for two. I hadn't paid attention to her name, or asked. She wore a gray, light wool sweater, with a white shirt underneath. The personality words emitted a curve ball, which  wasn't too far off from my direction of aim. That day I felt a rock's weight lifted spiritually, and tossed into a pond. It was a sensation of commitment, that I can do this, that I am capable of accomplishing my goals of this summer, and life. On the way home, I came back, a little bit taller.

June 30th, 2014

No job. Not from Panera, Cub Foods, Rainbow, Target, Leann Chin, and am currently waiting for two. Sam's Club, Lund's and Byerly's, McDonald's, hey, wherever there is an available position, I'm in.

The new month of July

I have to go to sleep now, but before I do, I'll say this: I did lack in a social life for so long, and I mean, what was I doing in that amount of time? Its like loc.... 

The white room.

Oh, how did I think of that when I made a somber fill-in of an artificial plan, that still, has not commenced. After five years now. Was it? Yes. Because I'll be a junior this fall. Maybe- no not  maybe, I will make videos to accompany these progression... blogs. Ugh, why do I dig myself in a hole too deep for my reach? I don't have the memory, ram, or space to even open my video editor, so I'll have to find a way around this.
Good day, gentlemen/ladies. I'll be up and out soon!

July 13th, 2014

With the day's counting down, (fifty from today), I spend the day jogging around the park and working on my storyboard for a show that I plan on making. Other than that I might read, draw, write, do chores, or go outside. Creativity is thinking with what you can do with what's available. Imagine you plan to redesign a room. Imagination is taking it in the least expected way. Imperfection is what perfect is based off of. Without imperfection, there would be no comparison made. Living in it, may come close. 
     I also managed to sketch (and finish it) in my sketch book. My little brother also did that too. On comparison, I made a joke by saying "I draw that, while you draw this". Oh, his interests. I wonder if he will draw another piece like that again. Some days I push him to, but for the least part, this is what gets him going. Both have the same bird.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Abstract built environment

I had to redraw this after a spilling accident. It took possibly eight hours total over the span of approximately two weeks to complete. This was for my art class, Studio art II: Drawing in North High School in Minnesota. I would have to say of the few I've personally showcased my artwork, this one, so far, has been a favorite. It still, however, could use some work. I rushed in the stairs and left wall to turn this in on time, making it incomplete in my opinion. There are several elements depict in it, and may I ask, what do you see in it?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

An art update: Atmospheric Perspective

For now, I'll also have art updates that contribute to the overall project.  they may not have an intertwining connection to it, but it'll be fun to see them.  Here's one that I've been working on for a duration of three weeks.  It was last year from this date that I had done it.  The occasion was in art class, Studio Art II Drawing. The assignment was to draw and or paint whatever one's mind may come across, but, it has to have atmospheric perspective. I changed from a progression of events laid out that corresponds to one another, but ended up with a collage of trail mixed ideas.  In reality, I received a B-, dropping my grade to an A-.  But, in the final scheme, it is the product that came out special. (Don't copy it)